

Apparently a Mazinger Z parody, which means… more giant robots! I wonder what’s with all the mecha-related videos recently.

Anyway, no exams today, but studied a whole lot for tomorrow’s differential equations exam.

8 Responses to “【未完】東方で真マジンガー後期OP【手描きMAD】”

  • (2/L)ΣInt(f(x)*sin(PI*n*x/L),x,0,L)*e^(-k*PI^2*n^2*t^2/L^2)*sin(PI*n*x/L)


    A helpful reminder!

  • Everybody knows the Golden Week comes with a bunch of giant robots [citation needed]

  • Eh, it’s an excuse to combine Touhou and JAM Project, which is generally a good thing.

    This one’s definitely a work in progress. The creator apologizes for only getting so far. He’s hoping to have a full version ready for the 2nd Nicovideo Boy’s Festival come September, but can’t guarantee he’ll be done by then. Apparently, putting this together is rough work…

    RE: Finals: Ugh…I remember starting to take Diff-Eq after spending a year out of school to become a state resident. I was almost totally lost, having forgotten most of the intricacies of calculus in the interim. I’d definitely need some refresher courses now…probably from trig or pre-calc level, maybe even upper-level algebra.

  • This was shaping up to be another epic faux intro, then Marisa socks the screen and… we get SNES RPG music. I feel cheated.

  • Hisoutensoku or 12.3 did a patch a week or so maybe thats why

  • I wish you luck in your academic endeavors.

    must be completed!

    (yeah… I’m a MazinTouhouFag)

  • @makhz

    Same here…

    I expected Keine or Shingyoku as Baron Ashura :v

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