Hamlet (Act IV)

Here’s act IV of Hamlet! Making this one didn’t take as long, for some reason. Probably because I reused a lot of frames. Anyway, there’s only one act after this, so next time it’s the finale!

20 Responses to “Hamlet (Act IV)”

  • Revenge!

    …And Revenge!

  • Heh. Ophelia singing the Pokemon theme song.

    Oddly enough, I’ve heard that song being sung multiple times by different people just in the past month…

  • I like fencing! And Revenge!

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    Today on Hamlet: Murder and suicide rates go up by 60%

  • Ophelia has drowned in the river!
    I am enraged!

    Next time on Hamlet: Komachi has a bunch of people to ferry.

  • She drowned because she tried using dive, but didn’t have the right badge.

  • @Project_Mars: Too bad she won’t be ferrying them, she’s too busy slacking in SWR.

    I say this entire tragedy was all plotted by a certain ⑨ I know.

  • Would that be classed as shooting the messenger?

    P.S. There seems to be a problem with comments disappearing again a few minutes after being posted. xP

  • Well, who doesn’t like fencing, it goes great with revenge….although I find pistols at dawn to be more sporting. It’s a true test to see who can chase away morning weariness fastest. Plus, it’s a healthy exercise…for those who survive.


  • “You’re a sponge.”

    I need to use that insult sometime when I get the opportunity.

    Also, Hamlet fights for his frie- oh, wait.

  • ‘He’s at supper’
    well, that was unexpected XD

  • Is this really the general storyline of Hamlet? The bodycount is rather interesting

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    “Is this really the general storyline of Hamlet? The bodycount is rather interesting”

    Shakespeare is full of all sorts of messed up stuff like this. That’s how come it’s awesome, even today.

    In his day, many of Shakespeare’s works were considered to be “common denominator garbage”, much like how a lot of people see a lot of edgy television, today, or how some people view the writing in say, “Grand Theft Auto 4”.

    Yet, Shakespeare’s works are widely the most commonly known works of today, from around that very same era. Wild, no?

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    By the way, in my last post, I wanted to end with an ACSII “THE MORE YOU KNOW” graphic.

    But then, I decided, the hell with it.

  • Just think: in 400 years, everyone will be treating Grand Theft Auto 4 and porn as high art. :3

  • Arrrr, something’s going on with the site and I have no idea what it is! So if you see any weird errors and stuff, that’s probably me trying to change stuff.

  • @acher 13: It’s based on a real line in the play.
    @T_U: Shakespeare wrote two types of plays: Comedies and Tragedies. The former would end with everyone marrying everyone else, while the latter tended to end with everyone dead.

  • I.e. Romeo and Juliet. or Julius Ceaser.
    Or Macbeth.

  • You forgot that Hamlet was sent to England to be KILLED. Kinda important that he escaped. The king should be like, “Oh damn! He didn’t die!”

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