Search Results for 'kams'




This video is sorta old but I don’t think I’ve posted it before (or maybe I have?), so here it is! Based on that one kamS thing. Because I am getting increasingly lazy and yet there aren’t really any new videos to post. That I know of.




Another ZUN-art video by kamS!

Finals week, day 5: took differential equations exam, it went really well, although this is assuming that what I thought was doing correctly was actually the correct way of doing it. Then I went to the EE lab to work on my digital logic design project for several hours. The project is due on Monday, and I also have two other finals that day, so I don’t think I’ll have any time to update create.swf tomorrow; I’ll try to do it on a weekday or something though, since I don’t have anymore classes or exams after Monday.



Another short kamS ZUN art thing! Yeah. Ended up procrastinating a lot today, and then read some stuff that I needed to read for class. And now I am watching the final episode of The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien! Amazing!!

Videos for Dec 13, 2009

Today’s videos! Besides the other two videos I posted this week, there aren’t too many! First up, another kamS ZUN art thing, and then flute-playing by ??????!



?????? ???????????????


Videos for Nov 15, 2009

Woaaaah okay so there’s a lot of videos this week. Most of them are “Bad Apple!!” related. I will edit this post very soon with what the videos are about. Summer colors PV, Bambi playing Cirno’s Perfect Math Class (the slow version), some ZUN art stuff from kamS, Youmu being a gardener, Aki sisters doing stuff, followed by a bunch of Bad Apple!! stuff.




(Nicovideo / Original)

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