Create.swf – Kisume (Revised)

Added a revised version of Kisume to create.swf. Also these things:

Obj: bucket 2, hairbrush, microphone, tie (colorable), comb, campfire, bonfire (colorable), knight helm, cat on head 4 (colorable), mirror midboss 1&2, sword in dirt, cowbell, vuvuzela (colorable), Henohenomohejimake, hotdog (colorable)
Item: Handgun+Sword (1 and 2), Dual Handguns
Acc: White mask, robot ears, orange scarf
Hat: Red Mushroom cap, red mushroom, aviator goggles
Body: Reimu suit, Red suit, China dress
Arms: Reimu (2 Alt), Red+Blue
Back: Tengu Wings 2
BG: Ship deck, Gaia Library, SDM Library, Mushroom Forest, Ruined Red Shrine

The Gaia Library and SDM Library backgrounds were contributed by LittleShrimp, who offered to help with today’s update. Basically, that SDM Library background is quite easily the best background in here so far, so yeah.

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