Hello, this is KirbyM from the website Walfas.org. I am involved mainly with creating things in Flash for the English-speaking Touhou community, but over time I have gained some fans in Japan as well (More information can be found here if you want to know more: http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/walfas). In any case, recently I have been considering selling Touhou-themed T-shirts through an online shirt-printing website (http://www.zazzle.com/walfas) based in the US, since some people have suggested it and the response after announcing it has been positive. The Touhou shirt designs all give credit to Team Shanghai Alice, and so far it seems that everyone who has shown interest in buying the shirts was referred from my site, meaning they are familiar with what Touhou is. Here are some of the designs: http://www.walfas.org/shop/chen.jpg http://www.walfas.org/shop/hax.jpg http://www.walfas.org/shop/science.jpg http://www.walfas.org/shop/twuck.jpg http://www.walfas.org/shop/crew.jpg http://www.walfas.org/shop/burger.jpg http://www.walfas.org/shop/death.jpg http://www.walfas.org/shop/strongest.jpg Anyway, it would be nice to know what you think before going through with it, especially since it might be different because it wouldn't be based in Japan. Thank you for your time!