Mils Conversation

Based on a phone conversation with Miluda while I was in California. True story. Also this does not count as a daily flash because clearly it does not have a title frame.

In other news, today was the first Monday of the semester, and I had to carry three textbooks all the way to school! And it was raining a whole lot. And I was sitting in an uncomfortable position on the subway because I had so much stuff with me and the train was really crowded. And then when transferring trains, I ended up walking to the wrong platform, and upon walking to the correct one, had to wait ten minutes for the train to arrive. Getting out of the train station, I had to run in the rain because I had too much stuff to take my umbrella out and I was already late for class. Got to class ten minutes late, but fortunately it had only been review so far. That’s the bad part of the day. However, the three-hour class that was supposed to end at 8PM got cut short and ended at 6PM because the professor had to be somewhere. So it ended up being a good day after all.

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