Videos for Aug 29, 2010

Whoops, almost forgot to post. Here’s these videos, yeah!





16 Responses to “Videos for Aug 29, 2010”

  • 1-. Ah… pass the brain bleach, please…

    2-. At first I was like OwO then I was like ಠ_ಠ

    In short: Pair of Mind Raping videos today!

  • 1. Well, that was an intriguing mix of cute and creepy. I’m not a big fan of that song, but it’s not bad. Just doesn’t grab me like, say, Hisou Tensoku’s theme.

    The title’s cute: “yoru na” (written 寄るな) usually means “stay away” or “don’t come any closer”, but the title uses the “yoru” meaning “night”…so the “na” kinda loses its meaning when not paired with a verb. So…uh, yeah.

    2. “Whatcha Canna Do… (Honeybee)”
    Okay, outside of Eiki dying her hair blond and attempting to get some kind of summer vacation, I have no idea what’s going on here… “Honeybee” (Mitsubachi) is the song used, but I don’t know anything else about it.

  • if anyone was wondering…. (fun facts time)

    1. video is based off
    the original music video is also an unoffical music video made by a fan. The singer is yoeko kurahashi. Some may remember that other touhou musicvideo sung by the same person.

    2. the second song sort of became an internet meme due to its pure unpopularity. It got flamed by customer reviews after the song was made known to the public by a music talk show.

  • 1.Creepy video is creepy.I need super clear explanation of what I just saw…and a clean pair of shorts.-?-

    2.I thought at first that Flandre stole Shiki’s dresses and they locked Shiki in the SDM instead.But that sounds too silly so…yeah. >_<

  • 1. The cute-looking artstyle is just a nice distraction. That didn’t work very well.

  • It’s sorta funny, actually the chlorine in a highly chlorinated pool(that is, quite a bit but not enough that it will burn your skin) can turn blond hair green, so the reverse is funny enough. Though can someone elaborate on that song some more? It sounds interesting from what Tre said.


  • Not smart enough to be creeped out by the creepy one.

    So the second song is Honeybee which explains the colors, but there is a lack of the most famous Genso blondies. Just sayin.

  • 夜な夜な夜な actually means ‘Night after night after night’.

  • @Anonymous:
    Hm. Hadn’t heard of the “na” particle being used like that before.

  • Well, it isn’t read as よるなよるなよるな, it’s read as よなよなよな, which might be a bit confusing.

  • Please! Can you post this video? It’s too cute!!

  • @Anonymous:
    Always something new to learn. I plugged the title into an online dictionary, and that’s indeed what it gave me. (Well, I got a shorter version, meaning this song would be more like “Night After Night After Night”.)

    It’s kids’ exercise song. I believe I hear mention of the “Maneki Neko-Duck”, which is Japan’s version of the Aflac duck mascot, so this is likely a song from one of Aflac Japan’s commercials.

  • 1. Epic.

    2. …

  • So is the first one then not based off a Touhou song then (seeing as this video is mimicking another seemingly non-Touhou related video)? What’s the name of the original then? Also does Sulking Flandre is Here have any other names/info (album, etc.)?

  • @Ketchup:
    夜な夜な夜な is the title of the original.

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