Calculating distance

Before anyone asks, no, the car did not get the death penalty. That would just be silly. In other news, here’s a 4koma by Chiisai about sweat danmaku.

22 Responses to “Calculating distance”

  • character-that-looks-like-a-pawn, nooooooo!

  • Most likely its not but it sorta implies that was headphones character since shes the only one missing in the target area.

    I hope not, i like headphones character

  • But Yuyuko can eat a refrigerator, so yeah!

  • Haha, awesome.
    Did you do something similar to this today?

  • cannonfodder got it right!

  • @Pyro: Yeah, but we used marbles and half-tube things, and we had paper targets. Our group’s measurements were like, 0.47 meters off. But then again, apparently other groups had their measurements off by about 0.4 meters also, so it’s fine.

  • Lol poor generic guy

  • I’m in teacher’s position. I’m too poor to buy toy cars, all I can get are real cars…

  • Hey faggots who were linked here from Deviantart, go die in a fire.

  • I remember an experiment like this, but we used lead weights that were cut off at just the right time using razors.Our group was the only one that didn’t get within 10 centimeters.

  • Would you please calm down whoever you are anon?
    What in the world is your problem with people who are from deviantart. Some touhou fans happen to reside in deviantart and would appreciate this place.

  • Can’t we all just get along? No? Oh, okay.

    I never did anything like this, because I’m the kind of delinquent that stopped taking science after Chemistry.

  • I’m taking Biology so nothing like this will happen to me :(

    Unless you replace car with dogs and landing with faeces.

  • Why aren’t they stading in a straight line?
    Was the driver instructed to aim for Cannon Fodder?

  • Oh yay.

    A cowardly, lame-ass anonymous imbecile leaving a moronic trolling comment that he or she thinks is supposed to do some good, or make a rational point without making themselves look like a dumbass.

    [sarcasm]JUST WHAT THE INTERNET NEEDS MORE OF.[/sarcasm]

    Oh, what would the internet be without such ridiculous people?
    Oh right.. it would be decent.

    My fault for expecting the impossible.

    Anyway, i’m not from DeviantArt, but so what if people are?

    It’s imbeciles that hold pointless grudges against other websites and those who care where people post from, that make themselves look like imbeciles.

    If anyone needs to “go die in a fire” it’s trolling idiots like Anon, here. But like I said….

    Perhaps it’s my fault for expecting the impossible and that just maybe people can post from wherever they like, without a truly stupid comment showing up where it’s not needed from a truly useless individual too cowardly to sign any sort of name.

  • Win and die. Lose and fail. There is no real winner here. Even the teacher’s car insurance doesn’t cover Physics.

  • Slowbro in a Landmaster

    Poor faceless guy.


    ITT we all lose

  • Also,

    PROTIP: When you can change your name into whatever you want at will, nobody ISN’T anonymous.

    And also, read the comments on Chii’s art, and then come tell me that with a straight face that those people aren’t faggots. Yes, even me.

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