
Added Sariel to create.swf (yes, VIVI, it’s Sariel). Since there’s no hat and I can’t think of anything, I just left it empty. I guess I’ll add some silly hat next time. In addition to the hat of whatever character I add next week, that is.

27 Responses to “Sariel”

  • Yay, angely!

    For those who missed it before, I already made the latest Scarlet Weather Archive

  • Please in the future add the phantasmagoria of dim dream like ellen and kana.


  • Oh noes, where is my “potato/thrown potato” and “miko-cola” object update?

  • Like I said, Sariel’s this demonic angel that is several times the height of Reimu, there’s no way that…


    You must add Konngara next. There is no other option.

    this fix my day to-ta-ly…but for Rinnosuke,his problems begins. XD
    Weird hats…um…the awesome green-with-a-pretty-lotus ZUN hat,of course!
    and Konngara have a red horn, like Yuugi,but more bigger.

  • …Out of curiosity, why are you so gaga over Sariel? She’s a real ***** to fight, but is otherwise completely unnotable.

  • Person:because is she and HE… is in reality androginous…and how is fallen,probably is hermaprodite too (like the demon card in the tarot)
    the first time who plays Touhou 1 and see “it” was awesome,i like angels so much (and that color too).After that,i investigate about Sariel and is very interesting,because in some parts are classificated like a fallen angel,a Grigori or “Watcher” who fall in the sin for lust.And even today,i can`t defeat him/her.XD

  • All I got was “god damn it game over time”, because she took several attempts to beat. I can manage her on normal now, but still…too hard. Konngara’s much cooler and fun to fight, and she has a badass theme.

  • yes,i like Konngara too for that song and her draw in the game,she is so elegant…

  • YES! YES!

  • I randomly have Xenopittan stuck in my head again.

    Also: Yay, yaoi time ambiguous gender-bender!

  • EH? What’s this? A character from Touhou 1? That’s new. (also does this mean that there are really three males in Touhou or is it two and a half) (yes THREE youki is a guy too)

  • Well, there’s Youki, and Rinnosuke, and Genji. And ambiguously Sariel. So that makes three and a half!

  • I wasn’t counting him cuz he’s a turtle. But alright. Three and a half. YOU WIN THIS ROUND, BUT JUST YOU WAIT TILL NEXT TIME. D:

  • I don’t know what you’re all going on about. Sariel looks pretty feminine to me.

  • In Touhou 1, she can turn herself into a male priest, hence the “three and a half” thing.

  • @MarisaMuffin: Om nom nom. I lol’d. Perhaps “Nom suuuuuuu koboreru”? xD Also, 「もえ」 isn’t French… why the acute accent? =/ (Sorry to pick on you in particular, but I’ve been wondering for a while why some people do this.)


    Hmm…. Wonder who could be next?…. Maybe Kotohime or Rikako?

    I hope the PoDD crew is reunited soon!

  • @Akiraita: You’re thinking of shinjyouku or whatever its name is.

  • Oh. Really? I don’t know anybody from TH 1 very well aside from Reimu, so I’m not surprised if I got it wrong.

  • From what I remember, there are 5 “she”s and 3 “it”s in the first game.


    Reimu, Mima, Elis, Sariel, Konngara


    Shinjyouku (remember that its normal form is a ying yang ball), Those eye things, and that medal boss. It has a picture of a woman, but it’s still a medal.

  • the japan people seems angels like a “she” directly,while the occidentals (for cultural religious and art influences) seems the angels like an extreme beutiful men or a androginous “male”…and a gorgeous beautiful girl,sometimes.
    The celestials (like Tenshi) are like the angels in Japan,and are all female.For that,seems all the time the angels like girls.
    Shingyouku is the Ying-Yang orb,who simbolises equilibrium and duality,the male and female,the bad and good,the day and night…not are strange who that can transform into a male priest and a female shrine maiden.
    (I see Sariel more like an “it” who plays sometimes to be a he or a she. For that,change colors.XD)

  • I wonder when is the next flash…

  • Getting basics like fulltext search, search for tags and comments working reliably would be a huge step forward already. ,

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