
Programming is pretty fun sometimes! Trying to figure out what you did wrong is like a nifty puzzle that you solve by trial and error. And through that process of trial and error, you use what you know works well and change the parts that don’t work, and eventually it works as planned! Of course, I’m only saying it’s fun because the deadline for my programming homework assignment isn’t until October something.

54 Responses to “Programming”

  • Yeah, I know what’s that like. Except that it doesn’t usually culminate in stuff exploding.

  • NoWaiThatsImpossible:O

    Reimu does not approve of your programming D8<

    silly reimu :<

  • Yep, that’s pretty much me with any programming language. I’m terrible at it.

  • It’s so true! So true!


  • It isn’t loading for me…

  • My train of thought: Programming -> Common errors -> NullPointerException -> ぬるぽ/Nurupo -> めるぽ/Merupo -> ξ・∀・) めるぽ~

  • Programming mmm, dunno i only know of one programming language xD
    now to repost an old link for the Cirno game i made for 9/9/9
    (A Cirno and Rumia 360 degree danmaku shooting game)

    and no my computer doesn’t explode under normal events

  • @theshim
    >And it’s worst when the entire thing fails JUST BECAUSE YOU FORGOT ONE DAMN SEMICOLON

    I know how you feel bro.
    For me, it’s either that, or I forget an ending brace.

  • Most of the trial and error aspect of programming goes away once you learn how to properly use a debugger. Then you can easily pinpoint what section of code is causing what exact problem.

  • Your first programming language language is the hardest. Then you learn when you move to other languages you’re really just trying to do the same things with different tools and rules. Then you learn that everything you known and loved is composed of finite state-machines and context-free (for the most part) grammars. Then you learn everything is a lie, because it’s interaction with other people (understanding their work and getting them to understand your work) that is the hardest aspect of programming.

  • let me tell you, doing it for a living, sometimes you wish the computer would just catch fire so you don’t have to worry about trying to solve the problem anymore for a little while…

  • haha, I know how you feel.

    A lot of people give up on programming since they get really frustrated at the whole process of debugging big and little errors.
    I see it more like a puzzle, and the sense of accomplishment when you’re done is most satisfying. (well, after you’ve pulled your hair out and said aloud various vulgar and inflammatory words, who wouldn’t be happy?)

  • mmmm programming. Fun stuff but time consuming. Reminds me of a project I did in 2nd year. I made a touhou game where you moved around with a mouse lol:

    That was about 2 years ago and I’m still here at walfas. Good times~

  • “Oh man, all these puzzles are driving me insane. Let’s take a rest from playing Professor Layton and check Walf-”

    (´;ω;` )

  • Oh my god. I looked at this just as I was programming and taking a break because I was having trouble figuring out what the hell was causing part of my code to be skipped.

    It’s been around an hour and a half. Half an hour before m computer explodes?

  • Yes yes, sometimes these things take longer than you expect. Although, often that is because you keep improving the program and adding extra stuff :D

  • I bet there’s a function for the amount of fun to be had and the relative distance to the deadline

  • oh yeah. it always happen to me~~ when we had c++ in school i pretty love it. but now things are getting more complicated and i start to go crazy. now we even changed the language and so i dont get anything anymore T_T

  • Don’t forget the “Yay, the problem fixed even though I don’t know how I fixed it” feeling that occurs every so often too.

  • Well I can’t do any programming, beside my very little knowledge of Danmakufu, what I’m still learning, but it happened to me to. Most of the time, when I manage to fix it, the result is always VERY different from the concept I had. Like last time, I wanted to make a flower pattern and ended up making a flamethrower. Yeah.

  • Oh, debugging your own code to find where that missing semimcolon is or where that unfinished bracket is… those are tame problems. In my experience, the REAL pain in programming is Other People’s Code.

    Usually you don’t need to know how their code works, you take their object/class and interface with it. But this assumes they’ve documented it properly so you know what you’re getting out when you know what you put in. Plus sometimes you need to delve into it anyway because how that object works is required knowledge for your studies.

    Documentation and commenting (assuming it’s not in a foreign language like Italian) can be scarce in some communities. Variable names can be completely unintuitive or ambiguously generic (“output to Histogram5001”). Then you meet the different styles of programming – like people who stick 6 one-line IF statements together with no semi-colon… and it works but it’s really difficult to read as a human.

    This is why I’ve got a reputation for being Draconian when I tutor programming classes – I make sure to drill the habit of commenting and proper variable naming into students when they’re learning. This year, I’m going to bring some examples of bad code and make them interpret it to drive home the point.

  • … Yeah. I experience that too… But, its me who explodes not the comp! XD

  • Ah, programming. Fun, awesome, and incredibly time consuming.

    Communications and team dynamics are a huge gotcha. I also have the habit of writing clever code…

    void Register()
    #define MESSAGE(name, …)\
    Register_Select<VariantOps::IsTypeListSupported::Value>::RegisterFunctor(“_” #name, Functor<void, TypeList_internal<int, TypeList_internal > >(ScriptMessagingFor_##name##_internal<TLLength::Value>()));
    #include “AllMessages.h”
    #undef MESSAGE

    …and things can quickly degenerate, and so it takes a hell of a lot of design to make a large engine usable by a team of people all at once (especially if they have to work with it while it’s still under development, guh)

    I’ve had days where I can really relate to UC in that last bit =D

  • ; ;

    It wont load for me.

  • Story of my life.

    Be glad you still haven’t experienced the joy of debugging assembler code…*twitch*

  • Programming is fun. Debugging a program (especially if you didn’t code it yourself) is frustrating.

    >Be glad you still haven’t experienced the joy of debugging assembler code…*twitch*
    Assembly language is a pain.

  • >Assembly language is a pain.

    Debugging disassembly is painful because there’s no comments. Personally, I find actually writing assembly to be pretty fun. Then again, all computer science majors are masochistic to some degree, so maybe I’m not the best one to ask.

  • Everything in this flash is true including the computer on fire.

  • Every time I have to use ActionScript I want to kill myself. I’ll stick to the actual animating part, thank you.

  • yeah, programming IS kinda like that… one mistake and it’s wrecked completely. Some aspects of web page design are even that temperamental.

    Fun Fact: Just ‘cus it’s outside the HTML tags doesn’t mean it won’t show up on the website.

  • Programming is like inking.. one mistake and the whole page is ruined.. which is why I hate inking.

  • As a professional programmer, I can say this is an entirely accurate depiction of writing code. And I love every minute of it!

  • I come to Walfas to take a break from programming this Finite State Machine and see this.


    Haha… That is bad, when you instantiate a class or struct(C++) I remember getting 145 or so errors with this FSM for forgetting the semi-colon.

    You know what is a really awesome beginning programming mistake. A semi-colon after an if statement. Good thing the compiler gives you a warning for that one. I wish it did for the class and struct thing. Oh wait it does… Sometimes, the most horrible word a programmer can hear.


  • I recall a few months back working our Touhou SRPG project, I spent a few hours trying to figure out how I broke the movement system and it ended up because I misspelled one variable name like “destination” or something.

  • Haha…nice ending.

  • I was the dang best programmer of my damn institution and still I keep on commiting the same dang error, those cursed by all the integrity of my existence, mistaking STRINGS with NUMERIC variables! I so dang hate that -_-*

  • I died in programming class.

  • I think this is my favorite Daily Flash! Never before have i laughed so hard at these!

  • 99 little errors in the code
    99 little errors
    Fix one bug, compile again
    108 little errors in the code

  • CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION! &blaring sirnes go on*

  • ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    Yea, i got in jail because i forgot to add one more semicol-

  • Now, I always wondered if we could make the computer explode like that using a program. I guess we can (not because of the flash lol).

  • >Now, I always wondered if we could make the computer explode like that using a program.

    Simple. Go outside the bounds of an array in a language that doesn’t check for that in debug. (C(++))
    Make sure you know where the shutdown button is.

  • @Nameless Fairy:
    In english, please.
    j/k, I simply won’t understand it.

    Have you tried it?

  • Out of curiosity. Did you ever try programming in Haskell or Scala? :o

  • Seg Fault!! :D

    oh, oh, eternal looping. :3

  • i remember when i was 9 i was learning to edit ini files and this happend to me all the time… my dad didn’t want to help me on it even though he is a professional programmer. he was always like, “use your book” “read a tutorial” “i’m busy” “i forgot how to program those!” then the computer suddenly crashed and i was crying.

  • here is the program you need

    using namespace std;

    int main()
    cout << "Hello, enter the text you want switched, ending it with 0" << endl;
    char textin[100];
    int a;
    for(a = 0; a < 100; a++)
    cin.get(textin, sizeof(textin) – 1);
    if(0 == textin[a] – '0')
    char output[100];
    int b;
    for(b = 0; b < 100; b++)
    output[b] = textin[a];
    output[b] = '';
    cout << "\nthe switched text is" << endl;
    for(b = 0; b < 100; b++)

    if(output[b] == '')
    cout << output[b];

    return 0;

  • he should commit seppuku now,

    (seppuku = suicide)

  • I love programming and crazy for it…….

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