【第4回MMD杯本選】 東方で「ルノワールVSセザンヌ」


(Original / Nicovideo)

I don’t really understand most of this but I still found it entertaining so I will post this ’cause I don’t particularly have anything else of interest to post!

Oh wait except maybe that I had a pretty neat dream today and decided to start a tumblr account specifically to write about interesting dreams I might have in the future. And that may possibly be the last time I mention the tumblr account on here so yeah.

21 Responses to “【第4回MMD杯本選】 東方で「ルノワールVSセザンヌ」”

  • Going to watch the video later. But interesting dream you had. I have one question, do you see yourself in your dreams or do you view events from the first person? Because I rarely see myself (or if I am, I rarely recognize myself) in my dreams and sort of “watch” the events going on like a movie or something.

    Though while on the subject, one of the dreams I remember from years ago, I was in the game “DOOM”, and was even able to put in cheat codes for invulnerability, the all weapons code, and even level select (though that ended up going back to the very level I was on and panicked with having to input the god mode code again).
    Also remember another event where I was dreaming I was filming something (the dream), went up a ladder to get a shot from a high angle, fell forward, and woke up where I swear I “hopped” on my bed as if I fell.

  • “Some guy ran in saw I was eating mac and cheese and wanted to die next to me ‘cause he wanted some”

    Pfft. I laughed and hit my forehead against my knee.

    Really it would have been awesome if you transformed into Kirby, absorbed his gun and turned into KirbyMagnum.

  • This… this comedy!

    Gyagu Manga Biyori!

    Most certainly!

  • To anyone thinking your knowledge of the artists will help you understand this: it won’t.

  • …All I can say about the video is… WTF?! Epic win, but… O_o

  • Poor Degas. And poor Nazrin.

    That was hilariously epic.

  • i am…flabbergasted (i dont use that word often). this is just…weird. like you have put up some weird videos before but this…this is just odd. i liked it because it was funny but completely random.

  • What…?

    Completely unrelated, but here’s a cool site that uses google to find characters based on the answers to questions, like a smart version of 20 questions:
    I bring it up because the Daily Flash characters are in the database! Or at least Unnamed Character is. I haven’t looked for the others.

  • Thats…interesting to say the least.

    I don’t remember my dreams. Its disappointing lol

  • I started to summarize this episode, but the post started assuming short-story length, so I let it go. It’s a very weird, very gonzo-comedy rivalry between Cezanne and Renoir, obviously, but…yeah, the details are just bizarre. Nice mapping to Kaguya and Mokou, anyway.

  • Yeah, I’m darn sure the original is Gyagu Manga Biyori – the voices and the patterns all match up. I need to actually sit and watch some eps from that sometime, given I’ve now seen 2 remixes of it (the other being Konata and Kagami doing a mangaka & editor routine).

  • I have the weirdest dreams out of anyone I know, but your dream KirbyM, takes the cake for weirdest dream I’ve ever heard about O_o

  • http://www.iosysos.com/cd/tohoageha/pv.html

    Oh look, a nifty Murasa flash that someone should put on Youtube |D

  • @Murasa vid: Danjo reference! Also, anchor anchor!

  • @Kirby’s Dream: Oh, boy, there was mac ‘n cheese in that! Was it the Momiziest? School cafeterias should start serving wolf-shaped mac ‘n cheese.

  • @Psieye: It is indeed Gag Manga Biyori, as KirbyM’s “Original” link in the OP shows.

    @Chenkari~: Someone did.

  • @FlandreAkabane: Really? It sounded like a totally normal dream to me, save for the mac and cheese.

    Say, I bet you have never dreamed about a murder scene where one of the victims was Jesus Christ. Also, the murder scene was on your own bed.

    Maybe one with talking evil plotting cats (the leader turned into Orin eventually).

  • These are all perfectly normal dreams. The weird ones are the ones that actually make sense.

  • @Neko Ayuka: You are right. Just like that one time I actually wondered why it was necessary to take off my pants to fit into that duct.

  • @FlandreAkabane:

    I’ll bet my dreams are weirder.

    I’d say the most normal dream I’ve ever had was about playing basketball with the Wii Balance Board. I think the balance board won.

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