Yuugi (and PONG!)

Added Yuugi Hoshiguma (From Subterranean Animism) to create.swf. More importantly, there’s more new features! Some of the items have been moved to the new “Insert -> Objects” option, so now you can drag them around individually without them being attached to a character. New background: Death by Yuyuko! Double click Yuyuko’s mouth and everyone dies.

And perhaps most importantly, there’s a pong game! If you put a character into the “mysterious gap” toy, you can play a pong minigame. Move around with the arrow keys, and when you’re about to get hit by the ball (Ran, and later some other things), press shift to focus so you don’t get stunned. Collect power-ups and stuff to get new paddle options or use bombs. Hooray!

There are some new hotkeys:

T will grab whatever you’re targeting.(like how G works with gravity well)
R will randomize targeted character.
L/U will lock/unlock all of target character’s parts.
F will flip target horizontally. Shift+F will flip vertically.
P will pin the target down, disabling mouse manipulation and physics on it. Pressing P again unpins it.
Insert will spawn a new character.
Delete will delete whatever you have targeted.

There’s probably some other options I forgot.

118 Responses to “Yuugi (and PONG!)”

  • Objects were great to work with! There were things I wanted to do previously that I couldn’t because of single layered backgrounds. I figured this was an easier solution to making multiple layers.

    I have thus presented a new, twisted comic to demonstrate the capabilities of this week’s update: [Link]

    Some of the other forgotten options is the ability to instantly bring characters, objects, and speech bubbles to the front or the back. The new depth management system has made these kind of depth swaps work properly (before, it only swapped the target and the very front character, which caused weird things to happen, but this was only noticeable with toys).

    Clone tank will now spawn clones facing the direction of the original character.

    Speech bubbles can be flipped now, and speech bubble rotation should be more consistent.

    I believe that is all.

  • Finally, a Pong game where you can customize your character!

  • Pong?
    here we go to use the new things…:3

  • oh,now i can make rain! and the charas can sleep too.or other things. and we can put lots of F.O.Es!

  • I’m getting a roll outta your create.swf comics, Thefre. Hahaha.

  • Ow, Kirby! The pong game actually starts getting hard when you beat Yukari twice X_X

  • Any more features and we’ll need a psychologist to write an ergonomic manual for this.

  • Hey Thefre!
    Can you add a feature to change the font size?
    Cause having to resize the speech bubble every time is a bit of a hassle.

  • That’s one awesome Pong.

    Comics and videos created with Create.swf will be numerous anytime…

  • Kirbs, I think your create.swf is rapidly starting to become The Awesomest Thing Ever. :3

  • I did learn a new method for handling font sizes while making the pong game, so I’ll keep this request in mind as I work on the new manipulator system for next update.

    How are you all liking the pong game? I admit, it was a bit of a rush as I ended up with only 3 days to work it if I was going to make it for this week’s update (well, more like 2.5 days), so consider this a beta and report any bugs you find with it.

    I’m going to take it easy this week, so there probably won’t be as many new features. As fun as toys are, I’ll dedicate this week to fixing up already existing things that got neglected (like the help menu). We’ll see how it goes.

  • Uh, hmm, I can’t “dismiss” the Mysterious Gap … :o

    The pong game is interesting … if a bit awkward and somewhat slow to get to the powerups …

  • Augh! I change my mind! It was’t slow before! @.@

  • With all these new updates to Create.swf expect the japanese to press their brains. They’ll come up with TOUHOU THE MOVIE: RAIDERS OF THE LOST WALFAS or something like that. The nice detail is that there will be “eastern” people doing fanworks of a western artist who is doing fanworks of an eastern artist. I stated this in DS: THE CIRCLE IS COMPLETE.

    By the way, Kirby, if you are running out of stuff to add to create.swf (which I doubt) you might wanna try adding “classic” elements from classic shooters. I bet the japanese will go crazy of craziness (???) if they see, for example, a Moai from Gradius…

  • Oh, hey, there’s no menu for the mysterious gap! What a huge oversight on my part! Though in case you didn’t know, you can dismiss any toy by selecting them from the toy menu again. I always closed out of the swf for all the times I was testing it, so I never thought about the click menu for it. This will be in next update.

  • Request: ad ran’s folded arms

  • This is a minor complaint, but Ran’s head spinning around makes her seem like a larger target at times than she is. On that vein, her hitbox seems to be in her body only? She also seems bottom-heavy by the way she rotates. I can understand if this is to correlate with where her hitbox is, but by nature we humans are top-heavy with most of our mass around the mid-upper torso.

    Just a question, but how many stages are there after um, the Yuyuko dialog?

  • There’s a minor bug in Pong: The “Bow before me, Weakling!” Yukari’s speech bubble and the High score are moveable.

    Or maybe it’s supposed to be like that?

  • I can’t get rid of the gap. I hope you can fix this sometime.

    To A/L: Teehee, “bottom-heavy.” Ran’s got sum JUNK IN HER TRUNK mirite?

  • As I mentioned before, to get rid of the gap, select it again from the toy menu. This can be done with any toy. A fix will be in next update.

    As for Ran’s spinning, her hit box is the same as yours, and also the same as all characters (It’s the same pivot point as the characters on the stage when you rotate them). If it really bothers everyone, I can change it, but I don’t really consider this a priority over the other stuff I have planned.

    As the movable speech bubbles and text, this was a dev feature I used to position them at and I forgot to turn dev mode off (Oops).

    As for the pong’s stages, it goes in this order ->
    Level 1: You should know this!
    Level 2: Yukari starts to shoot.
    Level 3: A cat is added.
    Level 4: Yuyuko helps Yukari.
    Level 5: Youmu is added.
    Level 6: Yukari gets mad.
    Level 7: I lied, this is the end.

  • Youmu is unfair ;_;

  • Oh dear, I got to level 4 and I lost due to the bullet WHICH cover half the screen.

  • its addictive oh god

  • LOL create.swf is growing exponentially xO

  • I like the pong, but I think it needs some fine-tuning. It takes too long to move on to the next phase. Also, several times I died even though no bullet was close to my hitbox and nobody crossed my character.

  • It seems a bit counter-intuitive to have your goal in the same place as the objects that hurt you. I found myself in many instances where Ran would be in the same place as the bullets, and I would choose between losing 2 lives or losing 1 life. Additionally, while I can understand it’s not very “realistic”, but why is there no “invulnerable” time after being hit by a bullet? It would seem more fair to have bullets always stun you as if you hit Ran / anyone else without “focusing”, rather than make you lose lives. Just my opinion. :(

  • @Person: It does indeed need fine tuning (I whipped it up in only 3 days after all, I didn’t have time to do extensive bug checking). Random deaths is certainly a bad thing, can you think of any links between these bulletless/crossless deaths? As with all problems, I need to be able to recreate it before I can fix it.

    @Nator!: The hitbox for the bullet is much smaller than that for the “balls” so there’s never a pattern where it is impossible to bounce them without getting hit by a bullet, it’s just that sometimes it’s difficult to get to such a position. Actually, I’m surprised you mentioned this being unfair as opposed to having two characters cross paths at opposite ends at the same time.

    As for an invulnerability time after a death, I had considered such a thing, but then there’s never a time when you would be hit by more than one bullet for each spray (If you do manage this somehow, I’d certainly like to know how). I also considered making bullets stun instead of kill, but it just didn’t seem very touhou like, and as I got more paddle options, I found it easier to juggle the characters that making bullets not kill might make it too easy. Maybe I’ll add a difficulty setting sometime in the future.

    This pong was an experiment more than anything. I wanted to see what I could come up with in only 3 days and how well received a mini game would be. Though I may not work on it more this week, I do plan on adding more to it. So my main two questions is:
    1) What do you want to see added/changed in the pong game.
    2) Would you be interested in having more mini games?

    Also, if you’ve discovered something that’s a bug, with pong, or anything else. I’d appreciate it if you could first of all recreate the bug yourself (If you can’t that’s fine). Then pay attention to the conditions in which this bug happens. Describe the methods used to recreate this bug to me, and I’ll fix it when I can recreate it myself. If you can’t recreate it, you can still tell me about it, but if I can’t recreate it, then it becomes low priority.

    Oh, next update will have persistent HiScores (You’ll keep them even if you close out of create.swf).

  • I found the pong to be pretty hard, I couldn’t get past Chen.

  • I was being a little complain-ative so I am sorry about that Mr.Thef. :(
    Perhaps I wasn’t playing properly, I was playing under the assumption that they shared the same hitbox (the circle thing you see when you “focus” is the hitbox, right?), so I suppose that is a factor. And yeah I guess the “invuln” time would be kind of pointless, in hindsight.
    Also I guess it would help to have the paddle options, I wasn’t knocking a TouhouBall off the stage to lay the final blow on the boss on purpose, so I usually didn’t get the 1.00 power-up (I’m not sure if this was explained in the game, but someone told me that’s what the rule is). So I suppose my complaints have more to do with my skill in the game than anything else. :X
    I suppose it could be better explained where the hitbox is (at first I thought it was the head), but other than that, the pong game seems to be balanced enough for the audience.
    It would be interesting to have more mini-games, perhaps a “Suika / Marisa” invaders thing, that could be pretty Touhou-y I guess.

    tl;dr bawwww I suck at pong, sorry for complaining, you’re the best Mr.Thef

  • The circle thing you see appear when you focus is indeed the bullet hitbox. If a bullet comes in contact with this, you lose a life. This is actually a feature in every windows touhou game, so I thought it would come naturally to touhou fans, I didn’t take into account that there might be touhou fans that aren’t that familiar with the games themselves.

    To be honest, I had intended on having every finishing blow give a 1.00 power up, but I simply ran out of time to figure out how to make this work without breaking something else.

    As for other concerns, as a game designer, I have to judge which features cross the border of hard and annoying. After all, while I do want the game to be a challenge, certain things are simply more annoying than an actual challenge. Thus, after some more play throughs, I have made some gameplay changes which you can expect next update:
    -Every finishing blow will yield a 1.00 power up.
    -Some slack is given to the bullet hitbox, making grazing slightly easier.
    -The bomb barrier will now activate on death, and for the duration of the bomb, you will not be able to die again. This prevents those annoying double deaths and such.

    As for some tips:
    -There’s absolutely no randomization. If you play the exact same way, you’ll get the exact same result.
    -Remember, like touhou, you can bomb to save yourself from death (even more so next update).
    -Ran and everyone else will bounce off at an angle depending on where you hit them from. The closer to your edge they bounce from, the more they will lean towards that angle.

    If you have anymore suggestions/complaints, I’ll hear them out. I wish to improve on this the best I can. Just remember to judge which side of the border things are in, hard or annoying.

  • i loved the objets,are so useful.specially the sigh.i like it. XD
    and about the pong…im not good in it, but was so fun play again Yukari like Sariel.XD
    choose your chara and play is unique.

  • Yeah, I’d like to see bullets remove maybe 10 power instead of taking away one life. I can get hit by a bullet then miss ran and lose half my tries.
    Or maybe have her throw other random objects that you can’t reflect but stun? It would seem a bit more chaotic if there were randomly bouncing umbrellas or cat chens instead of bullets. The bullets seem more touhou, but less walfas sorta.

  • Could you also add a hit box for ran/chen/youmu when you focus?
    I can understand not seeing yours until they crash into your barrier, but I’d like to see theirs since sometimes they just go wiff over my head from the swirling angle they make.

  • Hitbox for ran/chen/youmu will be added next update, as will dying spawning two 1.00 power ups. I had thought about putting this in before as it would be touhou like to get those pity power ups when you died, but I never got around to judging if it was necessary since you don’t lose power when you die. I have since decided that it should be added.

    The new version will be a lot easier than the current version. Those who enjoy the difficulty of the current version will have to wait till later for me to implement different difficulty settings.

    I think it’s more important to note that the new version has actually been beaten by me. I never actually beat the current version in testing, though I didn’t have a chance to really try. So if you do manage to beat this current version, you’re a lot better at danmaku pong than I am!

  • I beat it on the fourth try after using some pretty rudimentary sharp angle shots. Hit ran with my shield’s sweet spot, after it bounces back hit it with the corner. Ignore the power ups if they will throw you into danger.
    After getting the third shield it’s really easy against youmu. They cover half the screen already.

    Also if you are wanting to add in another level (just for kicks) Do you think the 7th level could be Yukari throwing herself along with Ran, Chen, and Youmu. Then Yuyuko alone has to reflect all three?

    8th level! Yuyuko goes berserk and summons her giant fan that covers half of her area and the knife things are replaced with butterflies.

  • The Pong is fun, I only have comment to make after seeing your planned changes: have the small [p] items increase power by 0.10, not 0.05 – it’s far too little to be meaningful when the [p] items are relatively rare compared to in MoF. As for more mini-games, it’s a fine idea but personally I’d prefer to see Danmaku objects (2 weeks’ time I guess?) before more are implemented.

    We have 2 methods of “delete everything” now – Grouchy Reimu and Yuyuko Background. Have one of them delete just all characters and the other delete everything (objects and danmaku objects included). I guess it makes more sense for Yuyuko to be the “delete all” with Reimu hax’ing so only people are burnt, but it’s your choice.

    An object replicator would be useful, to copy pasta the flip, rotation and size of objects. Probably make it a new toy, functions like the Clone capsule but doesn’t need to remember DNA strands or anything. I dunno, call it a “mass replicator” or “fabricator” something?

    Hmm, it feels weird that the Gravity Well can only suck characters but not objects. Maybe make 2 versions, one for sucking in just characters and one for sucking in everything? If you do this though, you’d need to make Scramble capable of affecting just characters or scramble everything.

    Don’t forget to have Eirin mention that object rotation is done like speech bubbles – Ctrl click-drag.

    Uh… why are Cirno-Suika and Ikubi Akius objects? Shouldn’t they be pre-set characters?

    Request for more of the character items to be made into objects, e.g. the broomstick, Flandre’s Laevatain spear, books, gaps, etc. Though I’m guessing some of these will be danmaku objects.

  • looks like i cant KO any clone mutants with boxing chen

  • Another version has been uploaded (as of a few minutes ago). Here are the changes made by Thefre:

    -Menu added for mysterious gap
    -Highscore stays after closing create.swf
    -Yukari now gives a 1.00 power up regardless of how the finishing blow is dealt.
    -Dying will now cause the barrier to activate and pops two 1.00 power
    ups. Also, for the duration the barrier is active, you can’t die.
    -Hitbox is slightly smaller, making grazing easier.
    -Added hitbox to Ran, Chen, and Youmu.

  • I am not sure if this is intended but the gravity well seems to be with 0 friction.

  • I think you should be able to choose how many lives you have. Five is the maximum, 1 is the minimum.

  • Woo. Go Pong.
    Now add spellcards. XD

  • Hmm, you should add the varous item-get things to the list of Insert Objects (powerups, blue icons, bombs, 1ups, Fullpower, spellcard-defeated-stars … maybe green-stars from MoF and SA and cherrypetals from PCB, too)

  • Ah, I didn’t spot you got [p] items for grazing. Ok, in which case it’s fine to keep at 0.05 I guess.

    I guess Ikubi Akius is an object because she has 2 hats and 2 accessories on simultaneously, similar for Cirno-Suika.

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    How does create-swf keep getting so awesome?

    Seriously? How?

  • Okay, here’s something desperately needed by the pong game: 1ups. SOMEHOW.

  • For the pong game, I will do something about the small power ups. Maybe make them spawn two or three at a time instead of just one at a time. I will add the ability to choose the amount of lives you start with when I add the settings menu (which won’t be till later).

    As for the gravity well, I purposely made it have zero friction so that you can bounce it around. Gravity Well’s friction can be changed by going to it’s settings.

    I want to avoid making new toys if they’ll serve functions very similar to already existing toys (I don’t consider yuyuko to be a toy), so I will most likely change the way the clone capsule works so that it will hold objects as well. And if I’m going that far, I might as well make DNA strands for objects too. We’ll see how it goes.

    As for the Reimu/Yuyuko functions, wouldn’t it make more sense for Reimu to destroy everything since her spell card is Burn Everything? (does html work in replies?) I’ll probably make some option so you can choose what gets destroyed by each of them.

    Same goes for gravity well, I’ll probably make some toggle option to set what it affects.

    As for the clone mutant problem, it seems they’re more resilient than we could have ever expected! Hopefully, they don’t carry some plague that turns things they bite into zombie like creatures. I’ll be looking into this problem, so expect it fixed by this week’s update.

    Anyway, all these changes take a back seat to more important things I will be concentrating on this week:
    -Danmaku clusters.
    -Improved target frame code.
    -Manipulator tool.

  • Very funny, and hard the PONG.

  • Two things I’d like to note about the Pong game. Once you get up to 4.00 Power, you can tap Focus and the boards fly all over the screen, potentially enabling you to go through the entire game just dodging the bullets (Malice Cannon, anyone?). However, it’s really fun, and I would definitely like to see improvements and other mini-games in the future.

  • @VIVI: OR this:
    Silly Yukari, you created a paradox of some kind!

  • I think it should still have the “powerup” SFX when you hit max power as well; it’s kinda jarring-to-my-Touhou-sensibilities otherwise …

  • @MarisaMuffin
    Is there a different sound effect in Mountain of Faith for power-ups? I can grab that sound for Thefre if there is. He does have the power-up sound from ESD though.

  • Whoops, good catch, I forgot to make the power up sound go off when you reach 5 power (The code for handling the 5 power mark itself was kinda iffy). This has been fixed and will be in next update.

    Also, non-pong related question: What kind of danmaku would you like to see? There’s already plans for Sakuya’s knife, Reimu’s amulet and yin yang orb, and Yukari’s dagger. Let me know what other things you want are (And some screenshots of them would be nice).

  • Um, Cirno’s icicles from [Icicle Fall].
    Heh, it’s the hardest spellcard EVER.

  • I’d like to see a few of the generic circular bullets as well, with changing their color as an option. No screenshot offhand, but regular players of the game probably have an idea what I’m talking about. (The huge bubble-circles, solid orbs like in Youmu’s opening pattern, the smaller orbs most common in PoFV…)


    I LOVE YOU (Not in the romantic way)

  • Actually, another suggestion that comes to mind: making the mechanics more clear, especially when you’re using your character’s body as the paddle. The hitbox for avoiding BULLETS is clear, but the hitbox for your character as a PADDLE isn’t as obvious – especially the edges, which is where you want to hit Ran/Chen in order to angle them past Yukari and Yuyu.

    There’s an easy way to fix this for the player – change the sprite for your ‘personal barrier’ to have curves at the edges of where it’s valid, and have a semitransparent version of it visible at all times and/or fade into view when you focus, rather than having just a straight one appear only after you get hit anyway. Having a slight curve to the edges of the power paddles would also be a good addition, if that can be swung.

    For the balls (Ran/Chen/Youmu), focusing to see their hitbox does seem help (especially in removing the counterintuitiveness of their rotation, now that it’s easy to see where the center of rotation is), but I’m still not clear if your paddle has to hit that hitbox itself or if the collision detection is a little more generous. I would suggest changing the sprites to match what you actually have to hit (so that you don’t try to corner-block the edge of Ran’s body and miss entirely, which has happened to me), but I’m not sure how well that would go with the Walfas theme.

    The game also slows down significantly if there are a lot of objects in the background, but with Flash I suppose that’s rather unavoidable. I would like more sound effects or maybe even background music, though. A confirming “tink” when Ran/Chen/Youmu is deflected would be VERY helpful.

  • @ Thefre watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHmzO2RI1fs should give you a good idea of what to add.

  • When I start adding stuff to the pong game again, I’ll make the focus barrier slightly visible when focusing.

    I think I’ll have to do some major reworking of the bounce code though. It currently checks the ball’s center against the square of the paddle, though I did this mathematically instead of using the native hitcheck functions(For speed reasons). I’ll probably rework this to check against a ball’s circle and possibly move the ball characters down so that their center point is closer to their actual middle.

    Note that I can only do point to shape checks, so I can’t really check circle vs rectangle. The only shape to shape check I can do is rectangle vs rectangle. Right now it checks the ball’s point with the paddle’s rectangle. If I change it to check the paddle’s corners with the ball’s shape, it may provide a more desirable effect.

    I’ll have to give this design some thought after I’m done with this week’s priorities.

  • The bouncing did seem a little off… that would explain it. Thanks.

    Also, another idea that occurred to me was having a paddle (briefly) glow the color of what hit it on contact: sometimes it’s tough to tell if someone bounced off of the top or bottom middle paddle at power 4. Yellow for Ran, red for Chen, green for Youmu.

  • I just found something cool: you can send the gap itself into the pong battle! After you drop a character on the gap, you can click on the gap before the game appears. This causes your character to flash randomly when the game starts.

  • @Trace Bullet: So that’s what was happening. I had run into this problem before but wasn’t sure how to replicate it. This is certainly a bug that will be fixed this week. You can actually drop anything in there by targeting something else, I accidentally did it with a speech bubble. As tempting as making a speech bubble fight Yukari sounds, I’m afraid it’s something that needs to be taken out. You can enjoy this glitch for the rest of the week before it’s removed.


  • Oh man, that’s some tough pong.

    Ah, for future upgrades: please make it so when you click any part of the screen not on the menu, it’ll close the menu; it’s pretty intuitive, seeing as I keep trying to click the screen then find myself irritated at the menu still open.

  • Hmm. On the subject of danmaku: I recommend allowing any object to be used. Boxing-chen danmaku! Cell phone danmaku, like Rinnosuke said! :3

    You know, once I saw a screenshot of a Danmakufu script which used powerup items as danmaku. :3

  • Yay, it’s easier now, but…I still can’t win. In the last (I assume Youmu’s the last part) part, there’s too much going on to actually focus on getting Ran or Chen past Yukari.

  • Seconded. There’s WAY too much nonsense going on there. I’ve only beaten the one with Youmu once, and that was by complete and utter randomness.

  • Burn Everything and Eat Everything – both make sense to destroy everything, so I guess having options to determine what they destroy is good.

    Danmaku bullet list? From Danmakufu (CtC specifically), I summon every bullet you’ll need – various circles, 2 types of knives, stars, bullets, coins, butterflies, various grains, etc etc. Actually, what’s missing from there is the elongated laser shot (not to be confused with an instantaneous laser beam) like in Sanae’s “Night of bright stars” spellcard (first spellcard during main boss sequence).

    Prioritise the more generic bullets first, then do the character-specific ones.

  • Also needs Master Spark eventually. :3

    *goes to play Walfas Pong as Aya, because this game gets as hard as StB :P*

  • wheeee!!!! 1800 something points…

    soooo…what happens when you send yukari into the gap???
    you should totally have some sort of special dialogue for that…

  • I actually sent Yukari through the gap first because I didn’t know I’d be fighting Yukari.

  • Clicking on nothing to close menus and deselect objects will be in next update.

    I suppose I could make all objects usable in danmaku clusters. It would actually be easier code wise, and I’ll be able to reuse the object menu.

    About having a ton of things on the stage slowing down the pong game, I’m proud to say that I have found a work around for this. You can have millions and millions of Cirnos and it won’t affect the speed of pong at all. This was done by taking a snapshot of the background and the stage and putting it into it’s own layer and hiding the original background and stage. Having only one still image showing speeds it up a lot, however, it also means there won’t be any animations going on.

    In case you’re wondering, there’s absolutely no way to have create.swf automatically generate images files on your computer. Flash has no capabilities of creating files other than shared objects which saves variable data only. There is a way to generate images through a webserver, however the amount of data sent is equal to a bitmap (Which is very large, it would be extremely slow at the size create.swf runs at and would probably overload the walfas server really quickly), so that too is not a viable option.

    In short, the best method for saving images is still to turn off the interface and print screen into your favorite paint program. If you don’t have one, I heard GIMP is pretty good, but I personally haven’t tried it much. I use photoshop CS2 in order to make my comics. The panel frames were done in photoshop, but I will be adding them in to the create.swf so that all you will need to do is crop and arrange them to make a comic strip. This should hopefully make it easier to produce them even if you’re using a free paint program.

    If you want any comic making tips (In particular, how to create a certain effect with the create.swf), feel free to ask here.

  • I’ve got a Q: Once you have a DNA code for a character you made, where do you input it when you start the swf up again and want to load the same character? Editing the DNA box doesn’t seem to do anything.

  • @Potsticker: You can input the DNA code in the cloning capsule toy (Menu >> Toys >> Clone Capsule). Double-click it when it’s empty to input the code.

  • Ah, I see. Thanks KirbyM.

  • Hm, nother bug: when you press spacebar to make the menu interface disappear, the background isn’t “darkened” when you start playing Pong.

  • @MarisaMuffin: Good catch, I had planned against people trying to turn the interface off while the game is on, but I didn’t take into account people who started the game with the interface off. The dark part is the click blocker that prevents you from being able to click the interface menus and such while in the game. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to put it in the interface clip. This will be fixed next update.

  • Oh yes, something else for the “requires major effort rather than just a bugfix” pile: it really feels like there aren’t enough ways to get powerups. I mean, to gain one full level, apart from dying and winning, you’d need to throw Ran or Chen past Yukari a total of twenty times. The best way to gain red powerups is to die, and in fact this seems to be just about the only way to beat Stage 1

    As for the blue powerups … well, there’s no clear indication of what they’re actually for, unless it’s “moar pointz”, which is something I really don’t pay attention to. I’d kinda prefer if they served the purpose they had in EoSD through IN, which is to give you extra lives after hitting certain milestones. Of course, any means of gaining extra lives would help mitigate the fact that, as of now, the game’s difficulty is “stupid-hard”.

    … well, except in the stage when Chen first shows up (before Yuyuko gets brought in), which makes it almost absurdly easy. The reason is that while yes, Chen is another object you need to pay attention to, Yukari needs to pay attention to both of them as well, and it’s practically Cirno’s play to get Yukari to block one of them while the other sails past her. This makes the overall difficulty … well, a bit uneven.

  • I found a couple of bugs:

    -After using my bomb, while the barrier was disappearing, Youmu went through and it didn’t affect me, she just returned.

    -In the last level, somehow I got in my power counter 59.9999999…

  • @Kerigis: Hmmm, I haven’t been able to get the power counter to show 59.99999. I know it’s hectic at that stage, but do you remember what kinda things were going on before it happened?

    As for the Youmu pass through, I’ll have to look into it. I think I may know what’s causing it.

    Also, for those of you interested in game design, or simply interested in seeing why the pong game is the way it is, I have posted my design thoughts as well as original design sketches that were made before any actual programming began. You can find the wall of text here.

  • I found another bug:

    Pic: http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c132/Kerigis/bug1.png

    I managed to collect 20 small power points at level 3, but when I reached 4.00/5.00, there’s still 3 bars.

  • Once you get to 4/5 powerups, simply by repeatedly pressing Z and it will give you automatic invincibility. How? Well because while the bars move they still actually block so the range will cover about the whole screen. If that was a given then I guess it is kind of rigged.

  • Okay … having read the design notes, I’m a bit more forgiving of the Chen bit (I like story in games), but … well, it still seems like there’s something sloppy and awkward about the fact that the best way to power up is to die. Not to mention a complete lack of 1ups.

  • Also, for the record: I have never been able to get past level 1 without dying. (Nor have I reached the end, either.) >.>;

  • About the 3 paddles at 4.00 power, looking over the code. I’m not seeing what could cause this. Had you bombed at all? If so, did you bomb close to when you got to 4.00 power? Does this problem occur often (or at least more than once)?

    Seems like I have to look over the gain power code again since it seems to be generating unusual results. I’m not sure when this will be fixed as I haven’t been able to pinpoint the problem yet.

    As for the repeatedly pressing Z for automatic invincibility, technically it’s not automatic if you’re repeatedly pressing Z, and it won’t save you from bullets. However, it does make the game a lot easier than intended, though I’m not currently sure how I’d go about changing something like this. I could either make them move faster, or change their formation. The original idea behind their focused position is that you could bounce the balls from all the way across the screen which gives you some slack when trying to dodge bullets or collect items. If you have any ideas on how to improve this, I’d like to hear them.

    Seems like this week is gonna be filled with mostly bug fixing rather than new features. I’d appreciate any help with getting the details of what causes certain bugs to trigger.

  • @MarisaMuffin:1ups and additional power-ups from things is planned. I’m thinking two small power ups per graze and 3 per ball you get past Yukari. How does that sound? There really aren’t that many other actions within the game, worth of being rewarded, so that’s pretty much all I can do really. Unless you want a trickle of small power ups over time. I suppose something like that wouldn’t be too out of place in this type of game.

    As for 1ups, the main reason I didn’t put them in is because my death code is indeed sloppy. Another reason was because it would be point based, and I wasn’t sure of how point distribution would go yet and where extra lives would actually be needed, so I couldn’t really tell how many points should be needed for an extend. Which reminds me, I’m surprised people haven’t been posting their hi-scores as that’s the kind of data I was hoping of using to implement the 1up system with.

    About dying being the best way to get power-ups at the moment, I suppose it’s true if your priority is getting power ups over staying alive. If you actually need those lives though, then it’s not really worth throwing them away for power ups is it? This same trade off exists in MoF. If you die, you get about 3.10 worth of power ups I believe, so it gives you an early boost if you die right away and collect, but then it costs you a life to do so. Seeing as in this current version of pong, there is no way to get extra lives, it seems they are worth more than 2 power ups.

    As for tips for passing the first stage without dying:
    -Ran always moves straight, and the calculation for her trajectory on bounce is not random. Much like in chess, the ability to be able to think several moves ahead will go a long way, so try to trace her trajectory after she bounces off your paddle. (Yukari’s movements are also very predictable).
    -Yukari’s speed is slower than yours, but because of the small field, it’s not always easy to get Ran out. After you get used to controlling bounce trajectory, you can lure Yukari off to one side and then bounce Ran off at a high angle to make her go to a spot that Yukari can’t reach. (This will become easier next update when the focus barrier will always be visible when focusing)
    -Each time Ran bounces off you, she gains speed, so if you’re having trouble with high angled shots, it may be better to do some basic rallies until she gets high enough speed to pass Yukari even at a lower angle.

  • new game! start playing touhou pong at 6pm….. what?! its already 9 pm?

    thanks for making this addicting game.

    for me, I’m only able to reach level 5 before dying three times in a row and my hi-score shows 3574. Maybe this game will be able to be multiplayer game?

  • Hm … another idea: “autocenter background in window” — you autoscale, so why not have an option to automatically center the background in the window?

  • @MarisaMuffin: That would be nice for people like me with widescreen monitors. Playing pong is weird with the background off-center due to the game being in the center.

  • I haven’t read through all the comments so disregard this if I’m stating anything that’s already been addressed above:

    Personally, though the Pong game is a cute distraction, I feel it’s WAY too easy. I was able to get to Youmu’s section on the first try, and I wasn’t even putting any effort into catching anything. I feel the power up are a bit TOO useful. I reached full power very quickly, and the bars covered more than half of my side. The bullets themselves were almost an non-factor, because the character’s hitbox was so small.

    I’d think it would be a good idea to weaken the power up items a little, or enlarge the hitbox on the character. Also, so homing/aimed bullets would be nice too. :P

  • you know what would be real awsome?…..TOUHOU BOWLING!think about it,danmuku balls (if you hit 9 pins cirno pops up lolololololol)if theres touhou soccer,why not a touhou bowling?

  • Oh god where to begin.

    Oh, easy things first. This is for Normal mode, not Lunatic, Hyren. Come back after that gets through if this was trivial for you.

    About high scores: I usually get to stage 5 or 6 with a little over 5000 points. I can get to 6 semi-consistently, usually with 1 star left (2 lives, I guess), but Yukari’s shots ALWAYS get me sooner or later: between firing a lot more often, the spread that covers half the screen, and the current Power 4 Focus Mode generally leaving more of the screen open than unfocused, I have a very tough time remembering the hitbox position and moving to avoid. Then again, I play with gamepad instead of keyboard most of the time, so I’m not quite up to my usual par. And, I’ve been able to beat TH6-10 on Normal so far, plus a few Extras, so I think it’s a good estimate of Normal mode difficulty: I think the current setup would probably be fine for Normal difficulty with extra lives implemented and/or some better ease of gaining Power items – I’d just be cautious about the difficulty jump at level 6. But really, it’s a very good job overall.

    My main complaints are about clarity and confirmation, as with the sound suggestions above. I also get the feeling that the ‘real’ hitbox areas of Ran, the player, and the paddles are a little higher than the sprites may indicate: it might just be superstition or a disproportionate amount of instances of barely missing Ran’s hitbox at the bottom, but I really get the impression that the hitboxes are just a few pixels closer to the top of the screen than their representing sprites would indicate.

    As for the problems with the current Power 4 paddle setup, I don’t like the current version: Yes, it gives you a failsafe for the worst-case scenario with multiple targets to hit, but it actually opens up a larger hole in the total area you’re really covering a lot of the time, making it counterproductive when you want to focus for other reasons – like seeing your hitbox to dodge Yukari’s bullets. This has gotten me killed several times, unfortunately. My recommendation for changing it is to have at least one ‘forward’ panel in Focus Mode, a lot like Power 1’s Focus Mode: having that first line of defense so far forward gives you an opportunity to deflect a ball threat early or separate two that will reach you near the same time.

    I’m not sure about increasing the bonuses for grazing or scoring against Yukari – I’m tempted to suggest adding in some extra ‘small’ goals to pursue and provide for the ‘trickling’ gradual source of powerups. In the Touhou games, this is provided during the stages leading up to the boss battles: but here you’re only really doing a boss battle. Having stray fairies wander by that are mostly harmless (the difficulty is about right already) to strike down with Ran/Chen/Youmu could provide the item source desired: whether that’s too much Touhou over Pong is up to you. But, I think it would be more interesting than a slow trickle of powerups. Might just be my hesitation in grazing, or lack of finesse with the keyboard.

    Basic ideas for fairies if this interests you:
    – Completely Harmless (just float around in the background until hit by a ball and becoming powerups)
    – Mostly Harmless (can stun player if it hits them: ineffective if focused?)
    – VERY slow shooters, that hang back until struck and sometimes fire weak projectiles that may or may not kill outright, or can be blocked by shields. This might up the complexity a little more than desired, though. Ideas for ‘status effects’: temporary slow, stun, temporary position lock of struck paddle, maybe even fiddle with ball physics (speed, direction change)… okay, no, I’m just getting silly now.

    Enough ranting! Thanks again for the fun game, Thefre, and my apologies if I’m being too noisy an idea monkey.

  • yeah, maybe 360 directional movement and more bullets. Also I would like this to be able to register a game pad

  • Damnit, all that and I still forgot a handful of issues.

    Most interestingly, I reproduced the 0.05 power level bug after some aggressive grazing: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y147/exitjmouse/misc2/PowerBug.jpg
    Never bombed, never got hit. It indeed does not update your paddle count from a 0.05 at exactly 4.00: getting another (4.05) made it spawn, no problem. I expect it’s a stray less-than when it should be less-than-equal?

    In other news, point items and score are distinct in PCB and IN: point items count up on a running total of how many you’ve collected in the game, with an extra life at increasingly distant marks (like 30, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500 or something like that) – a replication of that on a smaller scale would be an incentive to ‘collect everything’ without too unhealthy an incentive to take scoring risks over survival for players trying to clear.

    On a similar note, I think the autocollect is a little slow: I’ve nudged close enough to attract them, had it pass behind the character sprite, then scoot off to deflect a ball and discover I’d left it behind. I think the problem is that item collection checks against the player’s bullet hitbox rather than their paddle hitbox: changing that should definitely do the trick.

    Umm, can’t recall anything else I wanted to comment on. Moving on.

  • About using the game pad to play this. It’s impossible for flash to register game pad buttons, however, it is possible to make game pads trigger keyboard keys with the use of programs like this. Though I haven’t tried this particular version, I forgot where to get the version I used, but there’s really a lot of these kinds of programs out there so if you search around, you should be able to find one you like.

    @E-mouse:You are correct in that this was meant to be Normal Mode. I had thought of implementing fairies to try and hit with Ran, but this added another hit test and AI routine, so I wanted to make sure the game didn’t start slowing down too much as it is (Which apparently it does with a crowded stage, but this will be fixed next update).

    If I change the bounce code to test the paddle corners against the ball’s shape, it will most likely produce a more natural bounce, but it will cost four times the hit tests, which raises the same concerns. It seems to be running decently though, so I will experiment with this sometime next week probably.

    Also, another thing I had considered was shrinking everyone down. This would give the same effect as having a larger play field. When I test, I usually test things in flash’s starting resolution, so they already appear kinda small to me, but it seems after enlarging, they could probably be made even smaller. This would stop the whole paddles cover over half the stage thing.

    About the 4.00 focus formation. While it does leave more openings, I felt that focus should be more for focusing the paddles into strategical points. Though in touhou games, different characters do have different focus styles. Maybe I’ll implement some sort of formation select in the future.

    About being able to move left and right, I kinda felt that this would take away too much from what little is left of the base pong mechanics.

    So, some new questions:
    1) Would you like to see the characters shrunk down to expand the playing field?
    2) Would you like to have fairies to kill?
    3) Would you like to see more characters (I’ve got ideas for Suika and Cirno)?

    Anyway, major changes won’t come for at least another week, but I will try to fix bugs that I can find now. So far the bugs that I haven’t been able to replicate are:
    -59.999999 power
    -Not getting the fourth paddle at 4.00 power.
    -Random no ball/shot deaths.
    Are there anyone else getting these kinds of problems?

  • Fairies to kill would be excellent as a way to provide more powerups. Ideally, they should basically just be more dynamic, destroyable yukari-knives; that is to say, you can’t bounce them and it doesn’t punish you to let them past, though ideally you want to bounce Ran or whoever at them and destroy them, thereby releasing delicious fairy inna-I mean, power-up items. Oh, and it hurts if you run into them.

    More characters/stages would be good, though please put them in a separate scenario; for those of us inept at pong, it’s a little sad to never personally experience some of the jokes going on in the later levels.

    A way to separate scenarios short of an actual scenario-selection menu is to have different items take to you different pong scenarios; the gap lets you face Yukari and company; a sake gourd could get you drunk into hallucinating a pong match against Suika and Cirno, etc.

  • seems like you can shrink mutant clones if you spawn on put it into the mysterious gap mini game and back out, each time you repeat the process the clone gets smaller and smaller till it vanishes.. feature?

    is it cheating in the minigame if you tap focus with four paddles that give it pretty much full screen coverage? then all you have to do is inch a little everytime yukari fires a aimed wave of bullets ,then you can win all the rounds without breaking a sweat.

  • Dragging a character in to the mysterious gap, then clicking an object (Even the mysterious gap itself) before the character gets fully sucked in = lolz

    Not only does it keep the character shrinked whilst claiming to have a scale of 100 (Going in to the character’s menu then clicking “Set” will fix this) but you’ll play Pong as a character that seems to have a stuck “Change clothes and hairstyle” button.

  • 1) Would you like to see the characters shrunk down to expand the playing field?

    Maybe to about 80% of their full size.

    2) Would you like to have fairies to kill?

    Being able to shoot whatever the character has as their ‘item’ would be nice.

    3) Would you like to see more characters (I’ve got ideas for Suika and Cirno)?

    More stages & characters would be nice, but I still can’t make it past the stage where she ‘gets serious.’

  • Mutant Clones have improper scale value which is why they stay shrunk after being thrown into the gap, this also causes them to be “immune” to Boxing Chen. This has been fixed for next update.

    Retargeting as characters get sucked into the gap was not intended. This caused the character you play in pong to continually randomize as objects don’t have any character data. The scaling used to animate the sucking in part also doesn’t change their recorded scaling (So that they can revert to whatever you had set them to earlier). This will be fixed next update as well.

    As for continually tapping focus to cover your whole side with paddles, this is simply a possible game mechanic, and I’ll leave it to you players to decide if this is cheating or not. Since I’m the one that made the game, anything I consider cheating can be taken out of the actual game itself.

    About characters shooting stuff, this has been decided as one of those mechanics that would make the game stray too much from pong, so fairy killing methods would be limited to using Ran/Chen/Youmu. Though I do like the idea of items on the character having some sort of gameplay purpose. Functionality may be implemented into some future mini game.

  • 1) Yeah, I could probably handle 80% with no problem …

    2) Sounds good to me! :3 Maybe tone down the “bonus” for dying, too, to balance it. Just as long as we don’t have that @#$%ing fairy from the end of PCB stage 4 …

    3) Eh, maybe. I can’t get past the “gets serious” stage, either. n.n;

  • Hooray for getting in way over my head

    Normal Mode:
    I should correct myself: I failed to realize that Yukari targets with her shots. With that in mind, I’m pretty sure I’d be able to beat it now if I put my mind to it. This IS Normal mode. Excellent difficulty design.

    Mmm… I see what you mean about the increasing complexity. I can’t really blame you for leaving it out for this first edition between trying to get everything else to work. I think they would be the best method of providing extra powerups during matches, though.

    Bounce Checks:
    After playing some more, it doesn’t feel especially unnatural: the paddle just acts mostly curved rather than mostly flat. Better clarity about the edges/curves of the ball and paddle (i.e. shaving a paddle through Ran’s head as she sails right past you), plus a clear matching curve to the current physics, would work about as well. Still, it’s probably always going to annoy detail-picky people with high-resolution monitors without an unrealistic amount of object physics shaping to match. (I play in a maximized Firefox window at 1280×1024, so…) The easiest way would probably be to take special care in making sprites that match the mechanics, rather than fighting the other way around. Experiment with the physics changes first, but if they aren’t a significant improvement, consider remaking at least the paddle sprites and consider a ‘spinning ran/chen-tailball’ set for at least the primary balls.

    Could be a good idea, considering that I found the pong part to be a relatively small problem once you get power 2 or 3 (at that point it’s more making sure you don’t get hit by Yukari!). It’d make the Pong part better, but I’m worried about how that might change the difficulty: yes, a smaller player means a smaller target, but it also means you have to move more for the Pong; and moving more makes for HUGE problems with streaming bullets, as trying to weave through, say, Kanako’s last spellcard shows very very thoroughly. So again, I’d keep in mind scaling down the size of Yukari’s bullets, or reducing her fire rate, if the size change changes the difficulty too much.
    I agree that 80% at least sounds like a good amount to try, but experiment with other increments.

    4.00 focus formation:
    There are two uses for focus fire in most of the Touhou games: Concentrating fire on specific locations, most often directly in front of your character, and helping with precise movement/dodging. It might only be that I’m too used to the first convention, but I feel that having to deflect two balls at opposite ends is a somewhat uncommon event and doesn’t particularly warrant it being expected for every use of 4-power focused mode – especially when it contradicts the habits of the earlier focused modes (which all move the paddle forward or in closer). Further, having a panel further forward gives the player more options and opportunities to prevent that situation by pushing one ball back earlier in order to have time to deal with the other(s). It’s a better test of skill, but makes the worst-case scenario a real danger when it does happen (which is where I think bombing should come in, if you goofed on predicting and bouncing back already).
    Either way, a formation select would tie this up nicely. I would recommend having the focus modes consistently either move the paddles for a better ‘spread’ or a better ‘concentration’ and those might as well be the mode names.

    Left and right:
    It gives you a little bit less room to dodge, but yeah, it’s one of the primary remaining Pong mechanics. Keep it – Yukari’s shots aren’t complex enough to warrant it, and it’d make manipulating the balls even easier.

    Performance concerns:
    I can definitely see your worries here, but to be honest, I can certainly see the ‘bigger’ Create.swf games split off into separate flash files (with only the necessary character-creation components, best imported from a central database) and loaded when needed with the proper DNA strand input to put together the character. Well, it’s probably more work than it’s worth, especially at this point, but it’s something to keep in mind if create.swf ever gets cumbersome. At the very least, this means no worrying about instance slowdown from objects not related to the game; though this might be a moot point if Flash instances all share the same resources…

    Other characters:
    I like the alternate scenario suggestions, or perhaps an Extra mode/difficulty.

    Shooting items:
    No. Sticking to Pong mechanics for basic character abilities works better.

    4.00 power glitch:
    Might have fixed it already and forgotten about it. Actually, have you tested collecting the power items both in and out of focused mode? That might have an effect – I think I was focused most of the time. Even so it only seems to delay gaining the paddle for one powerup item, which isn’t that big a deal.

    I’m mostly being irrelevant at this point, but I prefer scoring systems that require you to make the game more difficult for yourself, to reward risk-taking and extraordinary skill. I expect Grazing was originally made for this reason, but it turned into mostly an excuse to milk predictable streaming patterns for points rather than skillfully weaving through danger that you didn’t have to put yourself in. That said, I’m not sure what the ‘best’ scoring method for Touhou Pong currently is: it would depend on whether self-denial of power (bombing at 1 power only to reduce damage done to Yukari) gets you enough extra grazing and point-item milking to justify the extra bonus-time lost, assuming one has the inhuman skill to pull that off. Seeing as this would be the most disgustingly absurd self-imposed difficulty to play through the game with, it’d be interesting to have that be the case for a mostly-theoretical maximum (and an offbeat reason for Hard-level players to go back and beat Easy around!) even if it’d probably be more practical to go for the “perfect no-bomb game” with as many grazes and pickups as possible. If scoring Pong goals is intended to be a bigger boost (though it is significant at 5 power for 3 point items only doing a little over double the damage of a regular hit to Yukari, right?) it might be good to have pong-scoring give more points, especially at max power.

    I’m pretty sure that in most Touhou games, the level/pattern-clearing big P powerups are turned into multiple point(-related) items when you’re at max power: may want to add some extra spawning when clearing at 5.00 power. I’m not sure if this also applies for others, but most games don’t let you die and keep 5 power, so it’s probably better to keep the pity powerups far less helpful than preventing the death.

    am i exalted yet

  • @E-mouse: I didn’t think my pong game would bring up so much design discussion (an unexpectedly good thing). Thinking back over my own design, I do see certain things that seems to make less sense now.

    First of all, the way the paddles bounce the balls do make them seem curved. This was sort of my method of cheating english spins that you get in pong. I had used this method since my earlier pong creations, so I guess I put it in out of habit even though I could easily make the trajectory based on paddle momentum now. I’ll change this in the future so that you will have more control over ball trajectory and make the bouncing more predictable.

    As for the scoring system, this too is pretty much a test. As I knew I would be making a lot of gameplay adjustments, I wanted the scores to increase as the versions got higher. The main reason for this being that I wanted to prevent people from getting unbeatable hiscores that were due to gameplay changes.

    As for planned scoring changes, I plan on making the graze score into a multiplier for the time bonus(The time bonus might get lowered from what it is now). This would result in increased incentive to graze, but also increase incentive to score goals, since scoring goals deals ten times the damage of bouncing off Yukari. If I do make grazing a multiplier, I may have to reset the graze score each round.

    An alternative is to simply make grazing add to the time bonus. Though I feel this would put a far greater emphasis on grazing than actually beating the round.

    As for the big Ps turning into multiple point items, I suppose it does make sense. I’ll probably implement this next time I make changes to the game.

    As for the pity power ups, they were meant, for the most part, to give you extra bombs to work with after a death. I’ll probably change this so that the amount you get is dependent on what power you’re at. Thus those with less than 1.00 power would get two, while those with less than 2.00 power would get 1, and 3.00 would only get several small power ups. This should further balance out bombing vs keeping paddle options and make it work more in line with touhou’s pity power-up mechanic. People who don’t bomb shouldn’t be getting extra power for bombs anyway.

  • While it’s nice to see much thought and discussion on the Touhou Pong, this is a small reminder that some of us are more interested in the Create side of create.swf – i.e. object cloning, danmaku objects, more character accessories/items becoming objects, etc

    It’s your choice how to spend your development time and it’s a given truth of the world that you can’t please everyone all the time.

  • Oh yeah! We need danmaku objects, “powerup” items, and a JUST AS PLANNED face. Definitely a JUST AS PLANNED face.

  • Oh yes … also, an idea for speech bubbles: also allow “text boxes”, like for narration. And text with no bubble or box, like for SFX and stuff.

  • new character. her name is mayuka. shes koakuma’s dececed onee-chan(older sister).she died the night her parents died(since koakuma and mayuka are sisters,that makes koakuma an orphan T_T). suki utau burned koakuma’s house(before scarlet devil mansion)down and killed her family.koakuma still hates suki for what she did.because at the time koakuma was a little girl.a song to help understand koakuma’s grudge on suki,listen to the song”i hate everything about you”and you’ll know.mayuka’s dna is

  • there’s another bug in the pong game. the power said 0.84999999999999999999999 instead of 0.85

  • Another feature I came up with: being able to change the vertical scale of the body/arms so characters can be shorter or taller. (Remilia and Flandre kinda look weird when they’re the same size as Sakuya)

  • Oh yeah — and since Chen is a spinning catgirl, she needs to spin at 4 times as fast as Ran in the pong game. :3

  • Oh yeah, there’s this bug in the DNA system — it interprets dashes the same way as colons when interpreting it, and this causes things to mess up when, say, you put EX-Keine in the fusion lab, or try to put her DNA into the cloning thing.

  • Trying to get as many last minute changes in as possible? I overstepped my self-imposed work limit again this week. So, unfortunately, there won’t be all the things I had originally planned to be in, but there will be a few new things to try out.

    I fixed the DNA bug, you were close in thinking that – was interpreted the same way as :, but actually, I used the – to separate what kind of character to make from the actual DNA strand itself, and I forgot to reconnect the parts after the first separation. EX-Keine is now cloneable.

    In case you were wondering what I have been doing this week, I’ve mostly been redoing some sloppy, nonsensical code that I previously made. The result is that now it should be hogging less ram for the menus (probably negligible difference but I like to be thorough), but the main purpose is to prepare for the two new object types, one that you will be able to try out sometime tomorrow probably, and the other that will be coming sometime next week.

    I haven’t done much to pong, just minor tweaks and such. There’s still the question of the bug that makes power show with a bunch of 9s. I think Cirno is playing tricks on me or something, because I can’t seem to duplicate this problem at all, and all the code for it seems in order. Any information on how to replicate this bug would be greatly appreciated. Several questions regarding it:
    -What happens if you gain/lose power after you get the bug?
    -How many lives did you have?
    -Which level were you on?

    Anyway, schedule is tight so any further fixes or anything will probably have to wait until next week unless it’s something major.

  • Oh yeah — I got the “get to 4.00, but don’t get fourth option until 4.05” bug last night (before you did the update). I also beat the game for the first time. Hooray!

    *still holding out for posability*

  • You know, I still can’t beat the pong game. If anyone ever sees this, what happens when you beat the Youmu phase?

  • hi i'm new here again

    Suggestion: Make Easy, Normal, Hard, Lunatic modes for the pong game.

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