SWR Rockin’

Didn’t have much time to make a daily flash today either; I chose to focus on my college applications instead. And I finally got my commonapp college essay done, so I guess the hard part is over. Well, maybe besides waiting to be accepted or rejected from schools. I guess I’ll continue the Beowulf flashes tomorrow, unless some unforeseen circumstances arise, like having a ton of homework or something, but I doubt it (although it’ll probably happen now just because I said it wouldn’t).

Anyway, here’s a flash I had lying around. I made it around Thanksgiving, when I was in a mood to animate things, and I’m actually planning on using it for something else later. But since there’s a lack of interesting videos and other things to post, I guess I might as well just post it anyway. It’s Iku and Tenshi playing guitars. Well, Tenshi is anyway. Iku doesn’t really look like she’s playing it correctly. Or maybe she is. I don’t really know anything about guitars. And yes, it’s 30 frames per second.

32 Responses to “SWR Rockin’”

  • It just needs some music it would be perfect.

  • try the snarl part on that video of mick thompson


  • Reminds me of Haruhi!

  • Lol, I was looking at it expecting sound. It’s pretty AWESOME though.

    (slightly off topic) I don’t know if this is old new or anything but I just saw this…


    …NO WAY!!!!!!!!!

  • I’m enraged that there’s no Youmu.

  • Hrm…

    If Nitori invented AWESOME, does this mean Tenshi and Iku invented Rock and Roll?


  • This flash plus the Touhou Drums video would make a great death metal-ish flash :D

  • Reminds me of those “What is Love?” animated gifs.

  • @Fubu72
    What he said >_>

  • Know what be cool? Like… Guitar Hero: Touhou edition.


  • @krisslanza: GuitarFreaks is a more likely candidate.

  • Kyaaa~~ Iku saaan

  • Reminds me one of xXxHolic’s endings. The one with Maru and Moro playing air guitar.

  • *insert “Bohemian Rhapsody” here*

  • @KaiZer
    Read my mind.

    I actually wanted to make a cover animation of that with maybe unnamed character and one of those other girls, and this thing kinda, might, give me an excuse to do it, but then again maybe, maybe I’ll be lazy like always. Or maybe when I don’t have two finals tomorrow.

  • @Flandrenonymous: No, Tenshi invented Rock, Chen invented Roll.


  • Yeah! Needs moar disco, though. Like maybe a spinning disco ball or something.

  • This reminds me of the Pikapika project some Japanese people made, where, by waving coloured lights in the shapes of outlines of objects and taking photos at very slow shutter speeds, they were able to “paint” an animation in the air with lights. The coloured lines and the way the lines don’t perfectly line up from one frame to the next looks similar to this. You just need to use HDR. =P

  • Yes, KirbyM’s work won’t be complete until it has HDR lighting, motion blur, crepuscular rays, real time animation by AI assisted inverse kinematics, and more armpits.

    On a more serious note, good luck with all the college stuff. Anxiously waiting for something is no fun =(

  • ROCK ON!!!

  • GENSOKYO!! Are you ready… TO ROCK?

  • @Fubu72: AWESOME!

    @Anonymous: Is “crepuscular” even a word!?

    Also! I think that this would also be awesome with the instrumental version of “Dark Iron Bunnies” from Rayman: Raving Rabbids. :3

  • Game programmer hijack!

    @MarisaMuffin: You may have heard of them as God’s rays, but Crepuscular is a better word =P

    Crepuscular rays are visible shafts of light created when light is traveling through a medium that makes it visible, such as dust, fog, or even the Earth’s atmosphere (more so near twilight.) They’re created by blocking off part off the light, creating something like a “shadow in the sky.” The cinematic graphics they’re generally rendered through raytracing (an incredibly slow process), and in current-day games such as Crysis they’re approximated by doing a radial blur that traces itself back towards the sun at every pixel on the screen, making itself “less visible” if it encounters an object that would obstruct the light’s pathway to the sun. The number of texture samples this requires usually is too high to do in one pass in pixel shader 2.0 technology, so it’s only been implemented in current gen games now that PS3.0 is widespread. Theoretically you *could* raytrace this in real time with a pixel shader, though you’d have to downsample the scene and blur it and the time it would take would make doing a lot of other interesting post-processing (heat-haze, depth of field, HDR…) impossible on current-gen hardware.

    Example of radial blur version – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6r6tbf4UGU

    Real life – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQfZ_WD8iA8

    tl; dr – crepuscular rays are awesome.

    Also, hooray for touhou guitar. There needs to be more stuff like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3sm6RcBpXU&fmt=18 though it doesn’t quite line up with this animation =P

  • @Anonymous: “real time animation by AI assisted inverse kinematics”
    If she/he made it so that you could “assist” those IKs yourself, so that you had your own 100%-interactive Touhou character, KirbyM would overthrow ZUN as the God Of Touhou.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG9cWi00a6I&feature=related

    Maid, Blood, R’N’R By CROW’S CLAW.

    The best Touhou Rock song, especially for this animation.

  • @SomethingUnreal:

    The point of the AI IK is to do things like have characters be able to get up from a fallen position, brace themselves during a fall, grab on to something during a jump, make ragdolls seem more lifelike, etc. Doing IK by your own to create animation is what major 3D packages do… Doing all that from scratch would be a pain, especially with a program like this where you’d want quick results, so you would also want an AI to do a some of the basics (optionally?) even if it limited things somewhat. If that were easy to do I’m sure someone would have done it already though =P A lot of things don’t get more complicated then blending existing animations, which is fairly trivial.

    It all reminds me someone really needs to make a half-decent 3D Touhou game one of these days. I would probably even do a lot of the programming for it, but it would need a fleet of dedicated artists and someone with a good idea of how in the world to make Touhou work in 3D =P

  • @Anonymous: Sorry, seems I misunderstood you. orz
    Automated “basic” animation (as you say) would certainly be useful. However, I am a control freak so I would certainly want the ability to override anything which is done automatically. ;P

    I was actually imagining, rather than simply IKs (movement) being automated, characters’ reactions to anything you do being automated thanks to neural networks, rather than having pre-programmed responses to specific events. I guess what actually happened was that my mind took a turn to the H-side.

    @Ramus: Crow’s Claw is a very cool band. I’m glad I’ve seen someone else who is aware of CC’s existance. xD

  • Now I feel like making a Custom Touhou Song in Guitar Hero: World Tour.

    Problem is, I have to wait until my 360 is fixed =/.

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