Kitsune-musume Papercraft

(Image directory)

Here’s a random fox girl (kitsune-musume) papercraft from this site. It was sorta hard to make; there were tons of small parts that required the use of toothpicks and ended up with multiple failed gluing attempts. I realized I messed up the head after the glue had dried, so I had to remove it, and it didn’t end well. Also, I couldn’t figure out how the hands were supposed to be assembled, so I just sorta just put a bunch of glue on it and randomly pushed things together. It definitely doesn’t look as nice as it’s supposed to, especially the mouth. Interestingly, the head and hair can be removed because they’re not actually glued on to anything, but I can’t really put it on anything because there’s a thing there.

Anyway, I feel like making some animated loops this week, but I don’t really have any ideas. Perhaps something involving Nitori and science, because I already sorta started drawing Nitori.

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