
Today was graduation, so here’s Unnamed Character wearing graduation stuff, just because it’s related! Anyway, graduation was fine; there just seemed to be a lot of waiting involved (especially in the beginning), whether it was waiting to walk up to the stage, waiting to sit down, waiting for your name to be called, waiting to go up there to get your fake diploma (after getting the real one a day earlier), and waiting to get off stage. I think there definitely wasn’t enough practice during rehearsals in terms of dealing with all the flashing lights from cameras, and also in terms of getting used to the fact that tassel on the graduation cap keeps flying in your face whenever you walk. The speeches were nice, though.

The bad part was the fact that right after it was over and we all went outside to take photos and talk with friends, there was a huge thunderstorm and everyone had to run away to the safety of their cars or back inside. I’m sure there’s some hidden symbolism behind having a huge thunderstorm happen right after our graduation, but whatever.

And I guess it’ll take awhile before the whole “wait a second, high school is actually over now and I probably won’t see a lot of these people ever again or at least not for a long time” feeling begins to sink in. That, and beginning to think more about college stuff. And yeah. High school’s over! Will I make a daily flash about the daily flash characters graduating? Probably. Just not today.

52 Responses to “Graduation”

  • Congratulations!

    If the daily flash characters graduate, will they split apart forever too?! NOOOOOO!

  • HOORAY!!

  • Haha, congratulations~

    I’ll tell you this now: after graduation, and after 6 months into college, you’ll be grateful you don’t go to high school anymore.

    Also, always stay motivated.
    Once you start procrastinating in college, its so easy to stay like that and never get out.

  • Hooray and conGRADulations!

  • Hooray! Graduation! *Ode to Joy plays*

    …Or is it Beethoven’s ⑨th symphony?

  • Congrats~

    I don’t think it’s possible to ever be prepared for flashing lights. Unless you have sunglasses, but that’d just be silly.

  • Hooray!!! Congrats!!!!

  • Grats on graduating. The first year of college may look easy (basically High School all over again) but the Spring semester is your Lunatic Mode. Aim for the Freshman Honor’s Society if you can and crush the college years with a 3.5 or higher! You can do it!

  • Cheers, Congratulations, Hooray, etc.

    I still have one week of final exams and then like a week before graduation to which I’m probably not going to assist, hooray.

    @Tesmy: They will probably end up in the same college for some divine reason because that’s how it happens in anime/manga and stuff. I think.

    …wait, what happened to the obstacle course? Oh right, that was for the daily flash characters.

  • NoWaiThatsImpossible:O

    i wonder if it will still be a classroom genre :O

    with the teacher teaching other things and not calculus with spinning hina and what nots~

    lol congratz to KirbyM on graduating and for Iku to celebrate on your graduation :D!!!

    wait… omg ur lucky to have Iku celebrating D8!

  • Congratulations, Kirby!

  • congrats! now you get to worry about college. I’m not going to tell you what happened with my group friends after graduation. People who can sometimes be your best friend will sometimes simply stop talking to you. And wtf you got your diploma before you graduated?! I had to go back to school like a week later to pick up the real diploma.

  • Cheers to graduating!!

  • Congratulations! Here’s hoping for a full, satisfying college stay—that still allows you to keep updating this site regularly.

  • Yay, congrats! But the princess is in another castle! *points to college*

  • Lol, my ceremony was yesterday.

    I picked up the real diploma at the ceremony, and it’s sitting over there on the floor. xD

    This morning was course registration for my University! Hardcore F5 action D:

    Anyways, good luck with whatever you go do.

  • *clap* *clap* *clap*

    Congratulations! But your education is in another castle!

    But seriously, the rest of your life is ahead of you (duh) so

    Enjoy Everything!~

    I’ll be checking everyday till you stop updating from being overworked from college =D

  • congrats :D

  • Congrats, Walfas.

    NOW COMES THE EXTRA STAGE [if you can really call it that.].

    I’d make some sort of stage intro thingy of sorts, but it’s midnight and I’m tired.

  • Congrats to you, noble KirbyM

  • Congrats on your graduation.

  • sorry for the post in another blog miss, but really have you a grat graduation day

  • Congratulations on graduating. One part of your life done, several more to go. :3

  • Congratulations!!! =D

  • Congrats Walfas!
    College is a whole new world, a better one in my opinion.

  • Congratulations.

  • Congratulations on graduating. It’ll be a while for me.

  • DING! Congrats!

    I finished my course at college just yesterday and I’m off for Summer until I o back for a 2 year Level 3 course. I can get all Ms in that course I can move onto their new level 4 course they’re making.

    Bit weird imo but that’s how it works.

  • Congratulations! My own was just as boring, if not more so, and at least you guys got your diplomas earlier – we got ours a week later!

  • Congrats!
    And now to start learning danmakus… ^^


    Does this mean Unnamed Character will now be in college as well?

  • Wow, so the graduation ceremony in the US is really like those what I see on TV. It sounds interesting, not boring like ours, back in April. Not to mention that the torture, the dreaded Final Exam (what replaces the University Entrance Exam here) followed it a week later. And if you fail that exam, you fail your life, no second chance, your grades follow you to the grave. What a pain and stressful month was that.

    Congratulations, KirbyM. You’re officially a NEET now. XD
    ‘Till college, of course.

  • Congratulations. My graduation was pretty crazy. There was a rumor that I was going to do a cartwheel on stage, so when I came up on stage, a bunch of kids started yelling my name.

    What was more amusing, another friend of mine had the nickname “Satan” (for some weird reason), and a bunch of kids yelled that when he was on stage. You could hear all the parents murmuring. He just laughed.

  • i had a dream about graduation last night! i was asked to sell lemonade [cause it wasen’t my school] but i had a feeling zombies would invade! weird, huh?

  • congrats! =D

  • 1. Congratulations on graduating High School, best of wishes from this point on :D

    2. I can officially say that you live somewhere nearby me. I had thunderstorms last night too, and it was pretty on and off.

  • Yeah, it was storming pretty bad yesterday.

    My school had graduation on the 24th, so I didn’t have to worry about it~

  • How sad. Unnamed Character is probably going to lose touch with Bored Looking Character. :'(


  • Well, I live in Europe, and there was a thunderstorm, too! What a coincidence! That mean, KirbyM is living close to all of us, regardless of place.

  • There’s a KirbyM near, watching all of us everytime XD

    Congratulations, you have succesfully finished the 23,723645% of your life XD

    I would recommend you to stay aware all the time, if not, you can end in the same place as I ended, left behind -.-”
    I’m serious, I was so careless that it is possible that I never get even my Engineer in Operative Systems Technician Title T-T

  • HOORAYYYY!!!! CoNgrAtUlaTiOnS!!!!!!!

  • Yay! Happy…Graduation…Time…?

  • Wow, your graduation ceremony is pretty late. In my county, high school graduations are in early June. (I remember when I graduated it was June 8, because it was my friend’s birthday.)

  • Congratulations! KirbyM

  • i got the same storm like maybe a few hours or so after you got it when i was at an amusement park….. it sucked…. any ways congrats.

  • Good luck Kirby!

  • Wow I thought you were in collage. Well congrats, I guess everyone in my life is graduating even YOU!

  • Congratulations! Good luck reaching for your dreams!

  • I know how you feel, congrats!
    (I too graduated) >_>;

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